How to open (and sustain) a new cultural venue - and not die trying

A 2-day participative online webinar - Picture : Opening night at KONTEJNER Zagreb - September 2023. Photo: Sanja Bistričić Srića

For whom ?

Professionals working in culture and creative sector

project managers, producers, curators, directors, museum staff, financial managers, start up teams, creative studios, designers, architects, decision-makers, cultural policy actors, municipality employees etc.

Researchers and students

cultural management, museum studies, heritage management, communication studies, creative industry studies, interdisciplinary studies and research

... to get insights into necessary steps and key challenges in cultural venue establishment, management, and potential sustainability solutions - from the very first project idea to a potential long-term perspective and success

You will discover

How to successfully define your venue and find a perfect space to host it

What are the options to finance your venue and build a sustainable business perspective

What is needed to rent, renovate and kick-off with a bang

How to build a long-term perspective and strong connections with the community

Chapters of 
the workshop

TOPIC 1 - What is it all about? how to define a venue profile

TOPIC 2 - How to finance the project and plan the budget
- from rent and renovation to self-financing perspective

TOPIC 3 - how to find a perfect space for the venue

TOPIC 4 - How to negotiate and get the most out of your rental agreement

TOPIC 5 - Renovation adventure - what is needed to transform the space
into a top cultural venue

TOPIC 6 - Opening event - how to kick off with great programme and huge audiences

TOPIC 7 - Venue programming and day-to-day work

TOPIC 8 - Sustainability strategies - finances

TOPIC 9 - Sustainability strategies - community development

Agenda of the workshop

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Session 1 - What is it all about? How to define a venue profile ?

Functions, program profile, audiences and users. vision/mission of the cultural space. relation to space typology - functional zones (gallery, bar, residency, workshop, office etc).

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Session 2 - How to finance the project and plan the budget - From rent and renovation to self-financing perspective

Fundraising options and where to get the initial investment - focus on grant financing. basic elements of profit and loss planning for a 3 year period.

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 3 - How to find a perfect space for the venue

Possible types of property owners, spatial typologies, microlocation factors, rental periods and conditions, with concrete examples from our own experience

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Session 4 - How to negotiate and get the most out of your rental agreement

Key elements of rental agreement and obtaining the adequate legal support

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Session 5 - Renovation adventure - What is needed to transform the space into a top cultural venue ?

General design, groundplan disposition, materials selection, construction companies and collaborators, supervision of construction site, timeline and deadlines, risk management, sponsorship deals, budgeting, interior design and equipment. collaboration with architects and designers. visual identity, signalization.

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM:

Session 6 - Q&A

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM:

Session 7 - Opening event - How to kick off with great programme and huge audiences ?

Curation and program planning, production, key logistics, capacity analysis, equipment and materials, team, promotion and communication, legal obligations, impact assesment - press and audiences

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM:

Session 8 - Venue programming and day-to-day work  

Calendar management, curation and booking, contracts and agreements, team structure, promotion and communication, audience development

11:00 AM - 12:00 AM:

Session 9 - Sustainability strategies - finances

Budget planning and possible sources of financing beyond project grants. cross-sectoral collaborations with focus on business sector

12:15 AM - 1:00 PM:

Session 10 - Sustainability strategies - Community development  

Targeted programming, neighbourhood activation, membership, audiences as contributors, building up the venue's identity and brand

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM:

Session 11 - Q&A and GROUP EXERCISES